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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Weighted Blanket, Compression Shirt, Body Sock, Torso Wrap... for sale

My immediate apologies to my avid fans who are waiting with bated breath for the next installment of the Dovi saga. I know you are going to be acutely disappointed when opening your inboxes tomorrow morning and finding this post instead. Don't worry, the next chapter will come in due time.

However, this post is important to me. I have started to declutter the house and am finding new homes for many of Dovi's specialty items that he no longer uses. The LittleKeeperSleeper pajamas... the oversized size 7 snap onesies... leftover diapers... slowly but surely all the specialty products I had painstakingly researched and purchased over many years are being dispatched to new owners. It's like I'm unraveling and undoing six years of my life. It feels bizarre.

Back in the day I bought all sorts of sensory aids for Dovi, desperate to find the magic combination of deep pressure and sensory solutions to calm the persistent hyperactivity and proprioceptive confusion. Unfortunately Dovi really didn't care for most of the products. They were really costly. The Abiliblanket cost $175. The SPIO garment cost $130. The Southpaw vest, $75.00. and so forth. These things have been sitting in a box in the back of a closet, waiting for me to have a few extra minutes to list them on ebay. It took a few years, but I finally listed them. I am posting the link here in case someone googling any of these terms come across this blog entry and still finds the item up for sale on ebay.

Click here for my ebay page

Thank you, and good luck! I will be back in a couple of days with the next chapter.

1 comment:

  1. I bought one from
    It wasn't expansive at all and I love it! I feel more relaxed trough sleep.


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